How To Write Great Subject Lines

Increase open rates with these fundamentals.

The first goal of your email campaign should be to get your customers to open them! A good place to start is with the first thing they see – the subject line. We gathered the essential best practices for writing email subject lines.

Be Relevant

Relevance means you should stay on topic (giving your customers an idea of the content inside), but also ontrend. Thican be seasonal, something happening in the news or pop culture, as well as something relevant to your industry. Also, remember to keep it short and sweet. The majority of emails are opened on mobile phones, so it’s best practice to keep subject lines to 50 characters or less.

Spark Curiosity

Similar to relevance, you want to intrigue your customer enough to get them to continue reading. Let them know that something special is waiting inside the email. You can do this sometimes by posing a compelling question or giving them a stat about a product that will help their businesses.

Extend Offers

If you’re offering something in your email, make sure the benefit is very clear. Everyone wants to feel like they’re getting a good deal and you shouldn’t bury the lead when it comes to promotions and sales.

Create Urgency

Establish importance by creating a sense of urgency for your readers. This can be achieved with action-oriented verbs and notating scarcity; like “claim XYZ deal or “offer ends tomorrow.

Don’t Forget Preview Text

Last but not least, don’t forget about the preview text. While it isn’t actually part of a subject line, it usually appears right after the subject line. Use this to your advantage!

Many email platforms will let you set the preview text yourself, otherwise, it will often pull automatically from the beginning of the email body. Either way, you can make sure this content plays nicely together and entices your audience.

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