Small Business Network

What can you gain from networking?

Using a network is great because, as the saying goes, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. No one understands this more than AOPD – our strength is in our nationwide network of locally-owned independent businesses.

Find New Solutions

Networking can be a great way to build relationships that bring in business. Meeting and interacting with other industry professionals enables you to stay up to date on new developments and practices in your field, as well as provide helpful industry information. Networking can also be a great resource for solving problems – because many small businesses in the industry face the same issues, it’s likely that someone has already found a solution.

Attend Events

Small businesses often rely on word-of-mouth referrals to acquire local customers. Attending or hosting an in-person or virtual event with other small business owners in the area is another excellent way to network. AOPD’s national chamber program gives Dealers the opportunity to take advantage of their local chamber of commerce events. If you’re hosting an event, ask attendees ahead of time what problems they’re working on so you can create an agenda around mutual concerns.

Contribute to the Community

Donating your time or expertise is yet another great way to make local connections. Many business leaders sit on the boards of charitable organizations and are more accessible this way. You’ll get to help your community while meeting making new relationships.

Follow Through

Finally, after you’ve made a new connection, you must follow up. We suggest connecting with them on LinkedIn immediately or sending a handwritten note expressing your interest in something you discussed and an invitation to meet up again.

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